There are two types of inflammation:
the red, puffy, painful sort that indicates that something is wrong, and
internal, or silent inflammation. Silent inflammation doesn’t come with a pain
indicator, and you can’t see it. Of the two types of inflammation, the silent
variety is much more dangerous – in fact, left unattended, it can even be
However, recent studies have shown that
resveratrol – a natural antioxidant found in red grape skins and stems, some
red berries, peanuts, cocoa and the root system of Japanese Knotweed – can
combat silent inflammation and prolong life expectancy. Resveratrol is a phytonutrient – a plant-based natural
chemical compound designed to protect plants from bacteria and other
environmental threats. While phytonutrients are not essential to nutrition like
vitamins and minerals, they are invaluable because they fight diseases and
boost the immune system.
According to some cardiology experts
inflammation of the artery walls is the main cause of heart disease, rather
than cholesterol. This inflammation traps the cholesterol in the arteries,
rather than allowing it to travel unimpeded through the body as it’s designed
to do. Inflammation also contributes to insulin resistance, which is the
forerunner to diabetes. Silent inflammation is also linked to obesity,
Alzheimer’s Disease and some forms of cancer.
Resveratrol fights silent inflammation
by inhibiting the COX-2 enzyme, which is active in the onset of cancer, as well
as stimulating new cell growth to replace the cells destroyed or damaged by
silent inflammation. By stimulating the SIRT 1 gene, resveratrol is also able
to have a beneficial effect on metabolism, which indirectly prevents silent or
internal inflammation. All in all, resveratrol is a potent enemy in the war
against silent inflammation.
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